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文化参与研究所:新酒, 新酒皮是摩特诺玛大学的一个非营利性项目. 在坚实可靠, 它们反映了我们对圣经知识的承诺, 以基督为中心的文化参与课程, 会议, 并与校园内外的学生交流.
了解更多欧宝娱乐官网 新酒,新皮袋.


耶稣指的是自己, 他的信息, and his listeners as “new wine” poured into “new wineskins”: “No one pours new wine into old wineskins. 如果他做了, 新酒会使皮囊爆裂, 酒快喝完了, 酒袋也必坏了. 新酒必须装在新皮袋里”(路加福音5:37-38)。. 这个比喻是欧宝娱乐官网生活的转变. 而是把神的话语带入生活. Their desire is to see new wine, the truth of the Gospel, poured into new wineskins. These new wineskins are the lives of Jesus’ people being stretched by the triune God’s love to build relational bridges across divides in contemporary culture.

“As Christians, we can get insular and forget to engage with people outside our faith. This program is a hidden gem — it paints a vivid reflection of who Christ is and how he interacted with people.”

Emil Khooda '13 Master of Divinity, Hospice Chaplain, Serenity Hospice


We re-imagine how the eternal Word of Christ can be holistically communicated to an ever-changing culture. We carefully explore Scripture and culture by keeping one finger in the Bible and another in the daily news. 新酒,新皮袋 exists to mobilize local churches and other Christian organizations to share effectively the good news of the Father, 圣子与圣神就是爱与和平, 促进与不同社区进行有意义的对话, and serve marginalized populations against the backdrop of increasing cultural divisions. 新酒 provides consultation and training in such difficult areas as race and class, 性与性别, 信仰与科学, 以及宗教多元化. The goal of 新酒’s work is to help equip generations of Jesus’ followers to extinguish hate, intolerance and misunderstanding while maximizing grace and truth for human flourishing in our world today.


改变教会的冲突, 无论是在教堂内部还是与周围的文化, into opportunities for unity through the Triune God’s grace and truth.


Jesus’ followers will be known for their healing impact in matters of cultural conflict and their support of marginalized people.

– Reflecting the posture of the Father, Son, and Spirit in engaging culture.

真理 – Articulating a biblical understanding of God, humanity, and creation.

礼貌 – Approaching areas of conflict with tenacious grace and an inquisitive posture.

共同利益 – Pursuing diverse partnerships in areas of conflict with others from across the cultural spectrum for human flourishing.

宣传 – Following God’s command to care for all manner of marginalized people groups.

  • TH 407/707:福音派基督教与美国经验
  • GLS 442/IS 642:文化参与神学
  • GLS 505:倡导和司法研究导论
  • 701是基督教神学吗 & 世界宗教
  • HTH 704改革到现代
  • th717当代神学与伦理学

我们实现使命的方式之一就是每年举办一次, educational 会议 and retreats that cover a wide range of cultural issues, 包括:

  • 创伤与恢复力
  • 心理健康
  • 性与性别
  • 残疾的人
  • 信仰与科学
  • 社区发展
  • 以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的冲突
  • 信仰与艺术
  • 全球气候变化
  • 艾滋病毒/艾滋病
  • 无家可归
  • 移民
  • 生活方式传福音
  • 种族歧视

在坚实可靠, we understand that learning how to engage culture should take our students out of the classroom and into the real world. 新酒,新皮袋 internships challenge students by immersing them in dialogue with real people from different ways of life and faith traditions. We meet regularly with interns and share meals together to build community and deepen their understanding of the Triune God’s call to engage culture from a biblically faithful and theologically reflective posture. Interns gain practical skills through planning community events and on-campus engagement activities. Each class of interns shapes the endeavors of their program around their unique interests and passions for theology and cultural engagement.


Multnomah Biblical Seminary was one of 10 seminaries nationwide selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for a combined $1.5 million in grants to incorporate science into core theological curricula.

The grant provided 资源 to integrate science into select core courses, 比如系统神学, 圣经研究, 教会历史与教牧神学. The courses were developed and implemented over previous years and provide seminarians with solid, science-focused指令.

神学院科学基金, overseen by 新酒,新皮袋, assists us in equipping future pastors and ministry leaders to engage 信仰与科学 more effectively in service to their congregations and broader communities. 在这里了解有关该计划的更多信息.